Pickleball: The Low-Impact Sport That's Perfect for Beginners

Are you looking for a new sport to try that's easy to learn and fun to play? Look no further than pickleball! This hybrid sport combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, and it's played on a smaller court with a lower net. Plus, the equipment is lightweight, making it a low-impact sport that's perfect for beginners.

How Is Pickleball A Low Impact Sport? [Beginners Guide]

Pickleball is considered a low-impact sport for a few reasons. One of the main reasons is the ball used in the game. The ball is soft and does not bounce very high, which means that players do not have to exert a lot of effort to hit it. This also reduces the chance of injury. [1] Another reason pickleball is considered low impact is that it can be played at a slower pace, which can help reduce stress on the joints. [2]. It's important to note that pickleball, like all sports, have a risk of injury even though it is considered low impact. Pickleball is built on quick reactions and agility, so players should be careful to avoid injuries like rolled ankle and stubbed toes, especially if they're not used to the sport's quick movements. [3]

What Is Pickleball And How Did It Come About?

But what exactly is pickleball and how did it come about? In the 1960s, a group of friends in the United States wanted to come up with a new way to stay active. They combined the sports they enjoyed playing and voila! Pickleball was born. And trust me, once you give it a try, you'll be hooked!

Why Is Pickleball A Low Impact Sport?

Pickleball is a low impact sport because it is played on a small court and uses lightweight equipment. The ball used in pickleball is similar to a whiffle ball and is much softer than a traditional tennis ball, which reduces the impact on the joints when it is hit. Additionally, the smaller court size and net height result in shorter, less intense rallies than in tennis. This combination of factors makes pickleball an easy and safe sport for people of all ages and abilities to play.

What Are The Benefits Of Playing Pickleball?

Pickleball isn't just fun to play, it's also great for your health! It's a great cardio workout and can help improve your muscle strength, coordination and balance. Plus, it's low-impact, which means less stress on your joints. If you're looking to meet new people and make some friends, pickleball is a great option too!

Some of the benefits of playing pickleball include:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Improved coordination and balance
  • Increased flexibility and agility
  • Low impact on joints
  • Increased social interaction and camaraderie
  • Fun

What Are The Bad Things About Pickleball?

But what about the downsides? Honestly, there aren't many. You may have to share court time with others, and finding a consistent group to play with can be tough. And, like any sport, there's a risk of injuries, like sprains and bruises. But as long as you stretch and warm up before you play, and use proper technique and equipment, you'll be fine.

Once you get addicted you might spend too much on paddles and other equipment.  It’s cheap to start though.  

Is Pickleball A Healthy Sport?

You might be wondering, is pickleball a healthy sport? The short answer is: Yes! It's no secret that regular exercise is good for our physical and mental well-being, and pickleball is a great option to get that exercise.

When you're playing pickleball, you're getting your heart rate up and breathing hard, which is great for your cardiovascular health. Not to mention, the sport also helps improve your muscle strength and endurance, coordination and balance and flexibility, which are all crucial for a healthy body.

Are There A Lot Of Injuries In Pickleball?

Let's talk about injuries. Of course, with any sport, there's a risk of getting hurt. But pickleball's low-impact nature means that injuries are relatively rare. The majority of injuries are lower body injuries.  Most commonly, players may experience strains, sprains or bruises. But again, if you're using proper technique and equipment, the risk of getting hurt is greatly reduced.

The most common lower extremity injuries associated with pickleball were a sprain or strain (76.3%), and the part of the lower extremity most often injured was the lower leg (43.9%) followed by the ankle (21.3%) and knee (19.3%). 

Here’s a chart of pickleball injuries year over year.   While the number is going up that just because our awesome sport is on the rise with more and more players joining each year.  

pickleball injury chart

Preventing injuries in pickleball

Want to make sure you stay injury-free while playing pickleball? First things first, don't skip the warm-up and stretch session before you start playing. Trust me, your muscles will thank you later. And while you're playing, make sure you're using the right technique, it not only makes you a better player but it also protects your body.

Another tip, make sure you have the right gear. Wearing comfortable shoes and using a paddle that feels good in your hand can go a long way in preventing injury. Oh, and don't forget to listen to your body. If you're feeling fatigued or experiencing pain, take a break and give yourself some time to recover before diving back in.

Overall, protecting yourself from injuries while playing pickleball is all about being mindful and taking the proper precautions. And if you follow these tips, you'll be able to enjoy the game without having to worry about getting hurt. 

What Is The Best Age To Start Playing Pickleball?

So what's the best age to start playing pickleball? There isn't one! Kids as young as 5 or 6 can play with modified equipment and rules, and older adults can enjoy it too. It's a great way to stay active and social, no matter what your age is.  Just get out there and start swinging!

Friendly to all skill levels! Another great aspect of the sport is that it is adaptable to different skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, you can find players at similar levels to play with. Plus, as you improve, you can move up to more challenging games with higher level players.


In conclusion, pickleball is a fantastic low-impact sport that is perfect for beginners. It's easy to learn, fun to play and offers a range of physical and social benefits. It's adaptable to different skill levels and accessible to all ages and abilities. Give it a try and see for yourself why pickleball is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in the country!

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