How Long Does a Game of Pickleball Last? [5 Factors]

While pickleball shares a lot of similarities to racquet sports such as tennis or badminton, the pace of the game is quite different.  So how long do pickleball games last?

A pickleball game usually takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the players' skill level. It ain't no marathon, but it's enough time to have a serious match! The first team to reach 11 points, with a margin of at least two points, is declared the winner. In tournament play where multiple games are play a match can last a hour.  

So if you're keen to try your hand at pickleball, know that you don't have to commit to an all-day affair. A game is quick and intense, and you can be in and out with your tournament winnings in no time. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next pickleball champion!

What determines the length of a pickleball game?

There are generally 5 factors that determine the length. The pace of the game, indoor play vs outdoor play, singles vs doubles, faults and rallies, and skill level.

1 – The Pace of the Game

The pace of a pickleball game is one of the biggest factors in determining its length. It's no secret that the faster the game, the shorter it'll be! When players hit hard and fast, the rallies can be over before you know it. On the flip side, when players are taking their time between shots, the game can drag on for hours.

It's important to find a balance between the two. I like to think of it this way: if you're not using your speed to your advantage, you're not playing pickleball. But if you're going too fast, you won't be able to set up your shots and you'll lose control of the game.

So, what's the secret to finding the perfect pace? It's all about finding the right balance between speed and control. So, what do you think? Is it better to go fast and keep the game short, or is it better to slow down and play the long game?

2 – Indoor Play vs. Outdoor Play

Does the length of a pickleball game depend on whether it's played inside or outside? And, well, kind of is the answer. Indoor games aren't always faster than games played outside. If door play isn't used, the length of a game played outside could depend on the weather.

A good example is playing pickleball outside when it's hot or humid. Warm states like Florida and Arizona are great places to play pickleball outside because of the weather. Fans from even the coldest places, like Michigan, go to games in August even though it's hot and sticky.

In this kind of weather, even the fittest people can get tired and thirsty, which can slow them down a lot.

The ball used for outdoor pickleball is different than the ball used for indoor pickleball, and it tends to move faster. This, along with the heat, can make games last a lot longer.

Along with temperature and humidity, wind is another outside factor to think about. I've spent a lot of time on the field, where the wind always seems to play a role. If the ball is always moving, it can be hard for both teams to score. And if there aren't many goals, the games will last longer.

Outdoor vs indoor play

3 – Singles vs. Doubles

Pickleball is a great game for all levels of players, but one factor that can make a big difference in game length is whether you're playing singles or doubles.

When playing singles, it's just you against one other player and the game can go on for a while, depending on how evenly matched you are.

Doubles can be a bit more unpredictable. With four players, it's easier for the ball to get lost in the mix and the rallies can be longer. Plus, there's the added element of strategy when you have a partner, making the game more complex and longer.

So, if you're looking to get a good workout in or you're competing in a tournament, you may want to factor in the length of the game when you decide whether to play singles or doubles. Can you handle a long match? Or do you prefer a quick game? It's up to you!

4 – More Faults And Less Rallies

Pickleball is a great game for tournaments, and length is always a factor. When it comes to game length, faults and rallies play a big role!

When there are more faults, the rounds don't go on as long, so games don't last as long.

Longer rallies mean longer games

5 – Skill Level

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that can be a lot of fun. But, it's important to know that the length of the game depends on the skill level of the players.

If you're an experienced player,  you know that the game can go on for a while. You need to be prepared to play several long rallies and be ready to outlast your opponent. Of course, if you're playing against someone who's not as experienced as you, it could be over in a matter of minutes!

To put it simply the closer in skill levels 2 players are the more likely the game last long

So, if you're planning to travel for a tournament, make sure you know the skill level of the other players. It's no fun if the game is over too soon, or if it drags on for too long.

Perfect Your Pickleball Skills at One of These Resorts

The Importance of Scoring in Determining Game Length

Scoring is an important factor in determining the length of a pickleball game. If you're playing in a tournament, your ability to score quickly and accurately can make all the difference!

Have you ever found yourself in a match that just won't end? Chances are, you weren't scoring enough. On the other hand, have you ever been in a match that was over before you knew it?

That's probably because you were scoring points quickly and efficiently. The more points you can score, the better off you'll be in the long run.

So by forcing your opponent to make errors and running around the pickleball court , you can speed up your games.  

It's quite simple to end game you or your opponent has to score points.  If its just endless rallies expect and endless game.  

How long do pickleball tournaments last?

Because of the higher point system and numerous rounds of competitors competing for the championship, pickleball competitions differ differently from casual, recreational games. Tournament games are designed to be completed in 40-60 minutes, however as the tournament progresses and players advance, the games may go longer.

This is how tournaments are scored in pickleball:

  • You have to win two of the three games (similar to sets in tennis)
  • Each game is played to 11 points, and the match is won by the first team to win two out of three games.

Keep in mind that some pickleball competitions only feature a single, lengthier game, which is played to either 15 or 21 points. Of course, this is incredibly rare.

The pickleball tournament scene was created in 1976 with the creation of the USAPA, or the USA Pickleball Association.

Tournaments are broken up into different divisions based on gender, age, single or double teams, mixed doubles, juniors, and para-pickleball. In para-pickleball, there are even pickleball players who play from wheelchairs.

This sport is literally built for everyone!

The Longest Pickleball Game Ever Played

You should review the 2011 game between Justin Lawrence and Jeffrey Baker before deciding that a tournament lasting seven or eight hours is too long to sit through. They played for an unprecedented 24 hours straight! They played for an entire day to break the world record, but don't worry, even the best pickleball matches in recent years don't last that long.

It's recorded in the Guinness book of world records that the longest pickleball rally is 16,046 and was achieved by Angelo A. Rossetti and Ettore Rossetti (both USA) in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, USA, on 10 October 2021.

Atlantic South Region: Guinness record established

Pickleball Game Length vs. Tennis & Badminton Game Lengths

Pickleball is great for players who don't have lots of time to dedicate to a single game. Compared to tennis and badminton, the game is shorter and more compact. A match of pickleball typically lasts between 15 and 25 minutes, whereas a match of tennis or badminton can take over an hour.

Not only is the game length of pickleball more manageable for those with busy schedules, but the game itself is also easier to pick up and play. Because of its shorter nature, it's an ideal sport for those who are just starting out in competitive sports. It's also great for seasoned players who want to squeeze in a quick game without having to commit to a lengthy match.

Can't decide between tennis, badminton and pickleball? Why not try them all and see which one suits you best? There's nothing like getting out on the court and giving each sport a go!

How to Shorten a Pickleball Game?

One way to shorten a pickleball game is to keep the ball in play. Don't let it bounce before you hit it back, and if you can, hit it so it goes over the net without bouncing. This is called a volley and it keeps the game moving. Plus, it's a lot of fun!

Another way to shorten a game is to try to hit the ball where your opponent isn't. If they have to run a long distance to get to the ball, they're more likely to miss it. That means fewer points for them and a faster game for you!

Finally, try to spike the ball when your opponent makes an error. That way, your opponent won't have time to set up for a return shot and you can easily win the point. What's more, you look totally awesome when you make those killer shots!

How Does A Pickleball Game End?

A game of pickleball ends when one of the teams reaches 11 points and has a two-point lead over the other team.

It's pretty exciting when this happens! A team must win by two points, so if the score is 10-10 the game will continue until one team is ahead by two points.

Typically, games are played to 11, but if both teams agree, they can decide to play to 15, 21, or even higher. It all depends on the competition level and whether you're playing for fun or competitively.

If you wanta comprehensive guide to pickleball rules check out our guide.


A game of pickleball typically lasts anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. It all depends on the skill level of the players and the intensity of the match. I've seen some intense rallies that last up to 10 minutes! But usually, most rallies don't last more than a minute or two. The length of the game is also dependent on the number of points to win. In tournament play, the first team to score 11 points wins the game. That usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes. If it's a recreational game, the first team to score 15 or 21 points usually wins the game. That usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes. If you're playing pickleball for fun, it doesn't really matter how long the game lasts. But if you're playing in a tournament, you'll want to keep an eye on the clock! Can't let the match go on too long!

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